Chart Art!


There are many different ways to track your cycle experience and it's good to find a way that works for you. Over the years I (Sjanie) have shifted and changed my charting style. At first I had a red notebook in which I would write anything from a sentence to a few pages about my cycle day. Then I moved on to writing a word or two per day and keeping it all on a double page spread in my journal. I have of course also 'charted' in my head, which I can testify doesn't have the same effect!

Introducing Chart Art!

Over the past 10 cycles I have taken to creating 'chart art' -  a combo of words and image - which I share on Instagram and Facebook. I just love doing it! Plus it's so interesting to look back over the months and discover the patterns and processes that are playing out. Bit by bit I'm discovering more woman using digital art and imagery to chart their cycle an simultaneously spread the #loveyourcycle magic around. We're raising some cycle awareness together. I think it's just wonderful to see how others are experiencing their cycle and the evocative ways they capture it. And I thought you may enjoy seeing it too.


Here are some wonderful examples of the chart art that's rocking the instagram waves #lovemycycle




Here's what one woman has said about her charting experience:

So I've been charting a little on my Instagram account. I was nervous at first, but now it's easy sharing this part of me. Just as I started my brother in law started following me. I had a wee moment of panic, but thought, well he can just un follow if he doesn't like it. Yesterday my sil told me he had said to her 'what the hell is MCA?? I thought it just happened once a month?' she knows a little being a sorta filled him in...but I'm slowly teaching her a lil more too. Anyway sharing cause it's me putting myself out there, which doesn't come easily to be as a people pleaser (he can be quite opinionated on things!)

Why not give it a go?

If you do please tag and use the hashtag #lovemycycle so that I can follow your cycle.

Here's what Leora Leboff has to say

Charting on Instagram has been a total revelation. Stepping through the utter vulnerability of going "public" with sometimes deep intimacy and the darker aspects of the cycle has been liberating. And coming into the cycle check-in sharing at perimenopause, when sometimes the seasons go AWOL or just whisper, gives the journey a voice that isn't heard many places elsewhere. 


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