When Hay House first asked us to write Wild Power, we actually said no. We were immersed in the creation of our first online course (Hormone Harmony), so when our editor Amy approached us after a workshop in London, we politely declined.
Then she went away and came back again and said 'if you won't write it, we'll find someone else who will!' and then you can imagine how fast our 'no' turned into a resounding 'YES'!
So, even though I (Sjanie) was in the chaos of early motherhood, still nursing a two year old, as well as tending to a four year old who woke constantly at night, we began one of the most fulfilling creative journeys of our life. Here are some of the things we learned along the way…
ONE: How much our “Vision to Hold” would resonate with the world.
Wild Power opens with this…”Imagine a world in which the menstrual cycle is respected as a woman’s spiritual practice.”
Tutored by our menstrual wisdom over decades of cycles, we knew that we needed to begin by listening for and clarifying our vision. What we didn’t know was how much this vision would take root and become cherished and fulfilled in so many ways.
TWO: How much it would evolve our relationship with each other
Until that point, I (Sjanie) had been in a kind of apprenticeship with Alexandra, who had been holding this work for a couple of decades before we met. Although we were writing workshops and creating courses together there was a different dynamic to the co-creative dynamic partnership we have now.
As we wrote the book, we really shifted gears and came together as collaborators - two unique perspectives following the same river. Through the book writing I grew up a lot - it was my graduation moment from apprentice to co-conspirator.
THREE: That we would discover a sacred ritual we cherish to this day
We begin things very differently – in fact we are polar opposites when it comes to new beginnings. But through this creative tension we discovered something that has become sacred and central to everything we do - the ritual that we use to start everything we create.
(And beautifully, so many people have said that when they pick up the book, they feel magic within it… and we can’t help but think that our ritual seeded this).
FOUR: The power of writing crap
If we have one bit of advice for anyone writing a book - or embarking upon any creative project - it would be to simply start writing crap. And we mean it - it can be utter crap. Because as you open the creative doors, something eventually begins to pour through you. It makes space for unexpected revelations. (It’s vital that you keep the inner critic out of this initial process - don’t worry, your inner critic can have its moment in due course).
FIVE: The deep belonging this book would awaken in people
There are now 637 reviews of the book on Amazon UK and it’s incredible to feel how the teachings of the book have called readers home to a real sense of belonging to themselves and their cyclical nature. This is one of our favourite messages we’ve received over the years:
My greatest learning from Wild Power has been that my intuition will always be by my side and guide me whenever I need her. She lies within and when listening, she gives me all the answers I could ever ask for. Through practising deep cycle awareness I have regained the connection with her and ability to be true to myself.
~ Luna
You can pick up your copy of Wild Power here.