Menopause: The Great Awakener

Live course beginning on 1st November
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Know yourself.
Live your calling.
Stand for life.


Menstruality is the feminine path to leadership

Do you want to be a leader in this emerging field of Menstruality? Would you love to restore a Feminine spiritual path and practice for yourself and for the sake of the world?

This world needs the full reinstatement of the Feminine for all life to flourish. If you long to discover your Calling, step more fully into your authority and unashamedly claim your power to serve and stand for Life itself...We invite you to explore our 3 steps below to get started.

*Not everyone who menstruates identifies as a woman. We honour and support trans and non-binary lives.
View our inclusivity statement here.


We're Alexandra and Sjanie, the co-founders of Red School and authors of Hay House book Wild Power: Discover the Magic of the Menstrual Cycle and Awaken The Feminine Path to Power, and the creators of the Menstruality Medicine Circle™ a brand new healing modality.

To develop Red School we spent over 10.000 hours researching and refining our radical new approach to women's health. creativity. leadership and spiritual life.

And the best bit. it's rooted in the bloody. wild. radical power of the menstrual cycle.

We want to invite you into the adventure of a lifetime - into the heart of the inner intelligence that is activated at a woman's first bleed. deepened through the menstruating years and culminated in the great awakening of menopause.

It has the power to lead you Home to Yourself. And to bring our world to balance.

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Would you like to take your seat in the global  menstruality movement?

Join our worldwide community of pioneers, change-makers, nurturers and creatives as you unashamedly claim the power of your cyclical nature and use it to serve and stand for Life itself by joining our Menstruality Leadership Programme

Yes, Please!
What people are saying...
“To read ‘Wild Power’ by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer is to be initiated into a source of a profound power and wisdom, which for many of us perhaps was forgotten, but as we learn through this gem of a book, was never lost."
Chameli Ardagh
Founder, Awakening Women Institute
our book
We have an important story to share with you about the power within the female body.

It’s a story that evolves every day as women consciously experience their menstrual cycle. As they step up to claim the cycle, they unleash a consciousness that dignifies women and holds all life sacred. This living body of knowledge is vital for us, and essential for our times.

Order your copy of our Hay House book, Wild Power now to discover the magic of your menstrual cycle and awaken the Feminine path to power. (And enjoy instant access to our bonus Love Your Cycle kit!).

Want to go deeper?

All the teachings at Red School have been co-created over two decades of working with cycle-aware groups of people, as well as our direct experience of our cyclical nature.

Our self-study short courses and live online programmes will give you all the education, inspiration and tools you need to harness the healing power of your cycle, supercharge your creativity, fully embody this ‘Feminine’ spiritual practice, or even help you to weave Menstruality into your leadership in the world, through our 9-month Leadership Training.

Our Programmes
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