How can the Menstrual Cycle Help us to Reinstate the Feminine?


(NOTE: The word Feminine evokes different ideas, longings, questions and assumptions for each of us. When we use the word Feminine at Red School, we’re referring to an archetypal force available to all of us; women, men and people of all genders.)

When we chose the subtitle for Wild Power: discover the magic of the menstrual cycle and awaken the Feminine path to power - we chose the word Feminine for a reason…

We wanted to clearly name that, for those of us who have or have had cycles, the menstrual cycle tutors us deeply in the Feminine way - in a form of instinctual, intuitive, emergent leadership that is in service to life.

The Feminine is a force that, like women and other marginalised people across the globe, has been suppressed over the past several hundreds of years. Many of us are sensing that now, perhaps more than ever, the Feminine is rising, wanting to be known in our world.

As we have listened to the wisdom of our own cycles, as well as witnessed the power that cycle awareness awakens in 1000s of the students we've worked with over the past two decades, we’ve seen first hand how the practice activates an inner river of transformation - a great and unstoppable force that streams the Feminine back into the fabric of our lives.⁠

It affects how we choose to live, and how we conduct business, how we influence the public sphere and politics, and particularly how we partner with the environment and remember ourselves as nature.

We were lucky to speak with visionary leader Lynne Twist last year (see the link to below), and we appreciate how she speaks to the need to reinstate the Feminine in our world.

She regularly shares the indigenous prophecy of the two wings of the ‘Bird of Humanity’ - often attributed to the Cherokee people. It says that humanity is like a bird, with one Feminine wing and one Masculine.

The Masculine wing has become over-muscular and over-developed, to the point of violent expression. The Feminine wing has been held back, to the point of atrophy. As a result, the bird of humanity has been lost, flying in circles. The prophecy says that in the 21st century, the Feminine wing will fully extend and express itself, to fly in harmony with the Masculine - a metaphor for the balance we all so deeply long for in our world.

For centuries within our culture, this Feminine Way of the menstrual cycle has been denied, demonised and rejected. We’ve been led to believe it’s a limitation or a weakness we must overcome in order to succeed.

What if honouring the menstrual cycle, as well as the wisdom of menopause, is key to reinstating the Feminine?

If this stirs you, take a look at our Cycle Power course here, to explore the inner seasons of your menstrual cycle as a gateway to reinstating the Feminine in you, and the world.


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