How Cycle Awareness Supports Feminine Leadership

: Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

We were excited to see an article last year in Psychology Today about the growing recognition of the importance of Feminine leadership at work.

(They defined Feminine leadership as a way of leading that emphasises empathy, intuition, inclusivity, and collaboration, and offers a powerful alternative to the pervasive leadership styles that emphasise control, competition, and hierarchy.)

When we use the term Feminine leadership we are speaking of leadership as a way of being that is rooted in The Feminine and in service of Life.

When we speak of The Feminine we’re not referring to gender but rather the archetypal force of The Feminine which all genders have access to. And though The Feminine can be embodied through many different paths and practices, those with a menstrual cycle are profoundly tutored in this way of being. And this is true whether you are currently cycling, going through menopause or post menopause

The aim of our Menstruality Leadership Programme is to awaken, embody and anchor this new, timeless kind of life-affirming leadership in our world.

Here are four (of the myriad of ways) that cycle awareness amplifies your capacity to lead from the Feminine: in your home, your relationships, your work life and however you are living your Calling in the world.

ONE: Cycle awareness nourishes you

When you live with a detailed and intimate grounding in your own cycle pattern* and an intuitive ability to read your cycle’s signs, you can work with your cycle to create a life, relationships and workflow that fulfil and nourish you at your core. In a world that celebrates ‘grind and hustle ' culture, modelling this kind of sustainable living is a radical act of leadership in and of itself.

TWO: Cycle awareness heals you

When you cultivate an intimacy with the rhythm and flow of your cycle*, you discover how to tend the core wounds that have kept you from expressing your unique vibrancy and knowing your worthiness. Our leadership graduates speak about the new kinds of self-knowing and embodied confidence they now have access to - a powerful springboard for relational, collaborative leadership.

THREE: Cycle awareness teaches you healthy boundaries

Tending to our strengths and vulnerabilities in each cycle phase helps you to contain yourself emotionally and energetically, so you can establish the healthy boundaries you need to thrive as a leader. This is heightened in inner autumn - the premenstruum - where you can learn how to meet and contain your inner critic so you can face your shadow, grow the muscle of discernment and speak truth to power.

FOUR: Cycle awareness liberates you

Working intimately with the ebb and flow of your inner seasons through the cycle month liberates your creative energy and births your most impactful work. You become an authority in your life and work, whether that’s in the field of menstruality or whatever your professional field.

*If you’re in menopause or post menopause, you can work retrospectively to recover and integrate your cycling experience and draw on the insights and learnings to support you in your third act.

If you’re inspired by this rise in Feminine leadership, and if you know you want to be part of the change, we warmly welcome you to join us for our 2025 Menstruality Leadership Programme.

If you feel called to join the programme, you’ll embed yourself in a community of devoted practitioners who know what is possible when we honour the sacred rhythms of Life itself. You’ll claim your seat in a circle of leaders who are creating a new way for future generations.

Thank you for your cycle-aware, Feminine leadership, it is turning the tide in our world.


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