How The Menstrual Cycle Helps you to Lead without Burning Out

Alexandra & Sjanie

Do you sometimes feel like stepping into leadership in our world today means joining in with a system which is out of alignment with who you are?

As you know, much of our current human culture encourages a non-stop drive for bigger, better, and faster. If we’re not very diligent, it can totally override our innate cyclicity.

The beauty of menstrual cycle awareness is it awakens a kind of leadership that is aligned with the natural world, rather than our consumer driven, patriarchal cultures.

Did you know that only 0.01% of life on earth is human?! 99.9% of life moves cyclically, with the seasons, rhythms of activity and rest, times of great action, and fallow times.

However, even with the best intentions to live and fulfil our Calling and abide by our cyclicity and nature’s intelligence, we can easily get co-opted back into this driven way of being such as in times of great stress, challenge or when we’re triggered.

Many of us end up in either a perpetual state of frazzle and exhaustion, or actually burnt out, especially if we’re highly sensitive, as we imagine many of us here are.

(And it’s not just hurting us… Look what our human drive to do-do-do is doing to our planet.)

Menstrual cycle awareness reminds us that our bodies contain a cyclical blueprint for sustainable, creative and generative living, like the rest of the 99.9% of life on earth.

When we lead from our own rhythmic nature, we allow for downtime, for rest and regeneration, and we’re naturally more creative, productive, inspired, less likely to be reactive, push ourselves or burnout.

The menstrual cycle is this blueprint, a key to creating sustainable, healthy leadership in your life. And when you are grounded in your menstrual cycle you have resilience and potency, you become a force to be reckoned with.  

This is particularly true when we’re able to experience the full majesty of what is possible at menstruation itself. Something so irrevocably life affirming can get wired into us that we cannot not take a formidable stand for what we love, for Life itself.

If you’d like to explore how cycle awareness can support you to lead in a way that’s aligned with your deepest values, you can register for our Menstruality Leadership Programme here.


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