The Incredible Healing Power of Menstrual Cycle Awareness

: Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer

Although it’s amazing to see the world embracing cyclical living (we were amazed to learn that the hashtag #cycletracking has been viewed on TikTok 87 million times!) our true passion is awakening people to the sacred, healing, spiritual power of the cycle.

The truth that we’ve come to understand over decades of guiding cycle awareness courses and trainings is that when we pay real attention to the rhythm and flow of the menstrual cycle, it has the capacity to help us heal and thrive on all levels—physical, emotional, mental, creative and spiritual.

Healing emotional pain: how cycle awareness cultivates self acceptance
If you’re seeking personal healing, particularly around premenstrual rage or grief, the reckoning of the Quickening in your 40s, the transition of menopause, infertility, the end of your fertility journey or any trauma related to your cycle, menstrual cycle awareness can be your ally.

Maybe you’re one of the many in our community who experience intense emotional volatility, severe mood swings, irritability and a strong inner critic, particularly during the premenstrual phase. Or perhaps you struggle with the emotional toll of transitioning between the phases of the menstrual cycle, especially when moving from the activity of inner summer phase to the introspection of inner autumn.

As you deepen your connection to your cycle and find your way to embrace each cycle phase, you can discover how to embody the powers available to you in that season and learn how to tend to your vulnerabilities and discover new levels of self-acceptance. Self acceptance with the life you’ve lived so far, your body exactly as it is, and the ever-changing rainbow of emotions you experience.

Healing physical pain: how cycle awareness creates bodily knowing
While we regularly hear stories from our community members who have found relief from physical menstrual health symptoms, others still struggle with menstrual or ovulation pain, endometriosis, heavy bleeding and other challenges.

Many also struggle with irregular cycles which can make it difficult to predict or plan for certain phases. This uncertainty can be frustrating, especially when trying to align work, personal life or creative projects with your cycle.

Menstrual cycle awareness can unlock your power here. The cyclical symptoms you experience are an important part of your power story and the steady practice of menstrual cycle awareness gives you the means to make sense of, heal, and unleash the power within your symptoms.

As you get to know each inner season and identify your changing needs, you become more emotionally literate and restore the natural order of the cycle. Your task is to really value each phase and give each its due

Spiritual healing: Menstrual cycle awareness as your own inbuilt mindfulness practice

Menstrual cycle awareness is a means of insight, growing self awareness, and awakening meaning—nourishing a rich spiritual life. MCA is our mindfulness practice, building deep trust in Life, in our life. As you learn to let go into and trust your own cycle experience you awaken to states of love, bliss and a sense of deep belonging to who you truly are.

Living with cycle awareness restores soul to everyday life—it’s a tangible way of healing that chasm that can so often form between spiritual and mundane life.

It’s your most potent ally for creating inner and outer change. The simple (and radical) act of loving your cycle has far-reaching effects that grow exponentially as more and more of us come to rest in our cyclical nature.

However—as we’re sure you’ve noticed—one of the greatest challenges of getting to know your cycle is learning how to live with it in a world that doesn’t value and accommodate it. We’re no strangers to this challenge, having wrestled with it all our menstruating lives.

It’s why we value and cultivate a like-minded, cycle-aware community of support at Red School.

And if you’d like to go deeper in your exploration of the healing power of menstrual cycle awareness for yourself personally or for your loved ones or those you work with in a professional capacity, we warmly welcome you to join the most immersive and rich community experience we offer at Red School: the Menstruality Leadership Programme (MLP) in 2025.

The MLP works on multiple levels—it includes the tools you need to practically apply the healing power of menstrual cycle awareness, as well as supporting you to embrace the spiritual dimensions of the practice and the sacred power of the cycle.

And you get to do it immersed in a healing field of like-minded individuals who share a passion for cyclical living. A place where we can all share experiences, gain insights and grow together.

You can find out more and take your seat here >>

(👆On this page, you’ll find a webinar which tells you all about the curriculum and shares some amazing stories from our graduates)

Would you like to apply for a scholarship? There are a number of full and partial scholarships available on our 2025 MLP for people from marginalised communities, including; Black, Indigenous or Persons of Colour (BIPOC), members of the LGBTQIA+ community and people living with a disability and/or who are socio-economically disadvantaged. You can apply here


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