Epsiode 14: How Menstrual Cycle Awareness Transforms Your Life (Alexandra & Sjanie)

At Red School our mission is to activate the vitality, creativity and leadership of a million people through the power of menstrual cycle awareness and consciousness menopause. And, this year we want to invite you to make this your year of cycle awareness. To inspire and uplift and encourage you, today’s conversation is a deep dive into the many layers of this life affirming and life-altering practice...

In This Episode:
  • How to actually live your cycle awareness in a non-cyclical world: how to yield the cycle you have on any given month, find creative ways to be true to your experience, and lead from the wisdom of your cycle.

  • We share a powerful example - how Sjanie learned to teach from the void of her cycle, and the powerful impact it had on her leadership.

  • How a commitment to cycle awareness cultivates our capacity to drop our patterns of control and be in intimate relationship with life, so it grow new muscles of relational, sustainable leadership within us.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:
  • Would you like to activate your vitality, enhance your creativity and deepen your leadership through the power of menstrual cycle awareness this year? We invite you to join us for our free online Wild Power Retreat, from Jan 11th - 25th. Register here: www.redschool.net/wild-power-retreat
Episode Transcript
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