Episode 159. How to Meet the Challenges of Inner Summer (Q+A with Alexandra & Sjanie)

How do you feel about inner summer, or the ovulatory phase of the cycle? For many in our community, it’s the easiest and most joyful part of the cycle, but many also find it to be challenging and confronting.  

Today Alexandra and Sjnaie respond to your questions about inner summer and ovulation, including; how to approach physical symptoms around ovulation, such as headaches / migraines, acne and nausea, how to stay grounded and focused amidst the big energy of ovulation and why you should never put your inner summer self in charge of your schedule!

In This Episode:

We explore:

  • How to know when you’re in inner summer, how long ‘should’ it last (and why there are no shoulds when it comes to cycle tracking).
  • The connection between rest at menstruation and fulfillment at ovulation, and how inner winter restedness unlocks inner summer powers.
  • How to manage a sense of disconnection from yourself in inner summer, particularly if you’re doing a lot of caring roles or mothering in your life.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:
Episode Transcript
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