Episode 161. The Power of Premenstrual Truth Telling (Maya Luna)

Have you ever noticed that your intuitive sense of knowing is heightened when you are premenstrual? Today we’re exploring the radical honesty that can be invoked in inner autumn, asking the question: what if our unadulterated, fierce, premenstrual truth speaking is actually exactly the medicine our world needs at this time? 

My guest is Maya Luna, an artist, channel and creator of The Venus Path™, a modern adaptation of an ancient Fertility Goddess Spiritual Path that works with Sensuality, The Body, The Deep Heart, Passionate Energy and the Incarnate Human Experience. 

Today she shares how she navigates what she calls the dark goddess truth serum that pulses through her in her premenstrual phase, and how she is learning to skillfully and artfully share it in the world.

In This Episode:
  • How we can feel truth or untruth in our bodies and somehow “smell dishonesty” when we’re in this premenstrual truth-telling mode

  • The 40s as the inner autumn of our menstruating years, where our premenstrual powers can come online even more, and how the world can react when women stop playing nice and being “good girls” and start bringing the power of our sacred truth in this life phase

  • The toxic femininity we see in our culture and ourselves today; the fawning, people pleasing, being a doormat, not speaking up, letting people use and abuse us, and how our premenstrual capacity to see through bullshit is a powerful antidote.

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Episode Transcript
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