Episode 54: Finding Hope and Meaning When You're Childless-not-by-choice (Jody Day)

The menstruality journey begins at menarche with our first bleed, and ends as we go through the great initiation of menopause. For some, pregnancy, birth, and motherhood are a key part of their menstruating years, but for some people, parenting doesn’t happen, despite a deep desire to have children.

It's World Childless Week this week, and we've invited the brilliant Jody Day to share about the challenges of involuntary childlessness,  her work to honour and dignify childless women, and explore how to  how to find meaning and hope when looking towards a future without children.

Jody Day is the founder of Gateway Women,
the support & advocacy network for childless women. She’s a psychotherapist, a global thought leader on female involuntary childlessness, and the author of what many professionals consider to be the ‘go-to’ book on the topic, ‘Living the Life Unexpected: How to Find Hope, Meaning and a Fulfilling Future Without Children’.

In This Episode:
  • Jody’s personal journey through grief, denial, hopelessness to real acceptance of her life as a childless woman.

  • The creation of Gateway Women and Jody’s mission to make the world understand childless women, and help women who are childless-not-by-choice to understand themselves.

  • Jody's emerging Gateway Elderwomen project, exploring the uncharted path to becoming a conscious childless elder woman.

Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:
Episode Transcript
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