Episode 84: Five Things we Learned from Writing Wild Power (Alexandra & Sjanie)

Wild Power is five this month!

We love watching this book work its magic, and hearing what it’s waking up in readers across the globe. (We’re thrilled that it’s now available in 8 languages—French, Italian, Spanish, German, Korean, Dutch, Czech, Russian—with a couple more in the pipeline). 

Thank you to everyone who has been writing in or tagging us with your greatest takeaway from the book.

Here is one we adored:
My greatest learning from Wild Power has been that my intuition will always be by my side and guide me whenever I need her. She lies within and when listening, she gives me all the answers I could ever ask for. Through practising deep cycle awareness I have regained the connection with her and ability to be true to myself.”
- Luna

In today’s episode Alexandra and Sjanie share five things they learned from writing Wild Power, including:

In This Episode:
  • How their personal relationship evolved through the writing process.

  • What they learned about their creative processes—particularly what the book writing taught them about how to begin anything beautifully.
  • That the world really is ready for menstrualityYES!
Listen to The Full Episode Here:
Show Notes:
Episode Transcript
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