Success Story from:

Julie Allen

“It’s taken me a week to process last weekend’s explorations and now be able to write to you. Firstly, last weekend feels like a pivotal time for me in my journey through life. You know when you experience something and you just know that you’ll never be the same again, well, that’s what happened to me last weekend. A huge shift in my thinking happened.

I have been on quite a journey (as we all have) and I had given myself such a hard time about how I thought I should be coping and how I was perceived by the others. Last weekend helped me realise just how far I have come and I have since given myself a huge pat on the back for my efforts. I am living a much more fulfilled, happier and empowered life than I ever could imagine possible. Your workshop has cemented in me the power of the menopause. Who knew I was doing so good? Now I do know and I’m so F*****g pleased with myself. I can see a life ahead of me that is exciting, full of love and light and no more fear.”

Julie Allen
What people are saying...
“To read ‘Wild Power’ by Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer is to be initiated into a source of a profound power and wisdom, which for many of us perhaps was forgotten, but as we learn through this gem of a book, was never lost."
Chameli Ardagh
Founder, Awakening Women Institute