...to The Hive. A peer supported community offering you a sanctuary of support. A well of inspiration to deepen your attunement to your cyclicality (no matter where you are in your cycle or menopause journey).
This is your invitation to join an intimate network of graduates from all over the world and nourish your roots as you trailblaze your unique expression of feminine leadership and menstruality consciousness in the world.
It all started with a Big Bleed…
Five years ago, Sjanie was in a yurt, in a field, in the darkness with eyes masked as she dreamed by the warmth of the fire for three days.
It was a long awaited Big Bleed, and it delivered. On cycle day four, Sjanie received a vision…
She saw Menstruality as a giant glowing and pulsing ruby half buried in the earth. Around it she saw concentric circles—our community—being nurtured, fed and inspired by this Source and by each other as we infuse menstruality into our families, communities and the world at large. She saw each one of us planting our personal menstruality rubies into our local land, creating a red grid across the planet and together embedding menstruality consciousness onto the planet.
The message was clear.
There is great power and need for us to gather in our love of Menstruality and come together as a community, to support each other to bring a wholly new way of being in the world—one which is rooted in cyclical awareness, one in which we as humans cultivate deep reverence and respect for life.
Inspired by Sjanie's big bleed vision and the needs and dreams voiced around peership amongst our graduates, the Hive opened its doors in May last year.
We currently have 90 members from all over the globe, spanning from the very first MLP in 2011 to this most recent cohort.
The Hive is a membership community based on three pillars,
which form our foundation:
The Hive is a deeply relational space, with opportunities to form new, nourishing friendships and inspiring alliances.
A nurturing playground and safe place where we can feel less alone, where we don’t have to sacrifice our uniqueness in order to belong, and most of all where we feel supported being at the forefront of a movement.
Imagine a gang who has your back, who holds you, and emboldens you in your service to the whole.
It is our devotion to the practice of embodying Menstruality that brings us together, no matter where we are in our journey.
In a world in which this is so against the grain, this is a space in which we can inspire each other, hold each other accountable, deepen our personal practice and grow together.
We’re so used to the concept of ‘personal growth’ but what is it to ‘grow,’ embedded within a community? We're in the process of discovering this together.
Whether you work professionally with Menstruality or not, we wish to honour the ways in which our agency in the world matters, no matter how big or how small our actions.
The Hive is your home for giving and receiving support around how we show up in our leadership, discovering and refining our skills and gifts, taking risks and exploring new potential collaborations.
Why do we need a menstruality community?
In a culture dominated by individualism, competition and consumerism, being part of a community is a powerful opportunity to foster a new culture of interdependence and co-creativity.
As we know, it's not always easy! Many of us have ambivalent, contradictory or just plain difficult feelings around being in community.
Our wish is for The Hive to be a space where we can create new, positive imprints around belonging and being part of something. A space where the diversity, cyclicity and authentic expression of each one of us is valued and welcome. Where Menstruality and the Dark Arts can inform and guide us to generate a new kind of community—one grounded in The Feminine.
An evolving co-creative community…
The Hive is currently led by a team of 5 volunteer Fire-keepers and our Community Catalyst, Ruby May. The practical infrastructure, administration and vision holding is supported by the Red School team—Sophie, Lauren, Sjanie and Alexandra.
When you join the Hive you too will be offered opportunities to step into leadership through space-holding, offering of skills, initiating new ideas and so on. Also on offer is an invitation to sit back and receive nurturance, holding and the inspiration of the community.
The community will evolve organically as each of us feels for what we need and long for out of our togetherness.
It is a co-creative experiment with both opportunities to step into leadership through space-holding and offering of skills, as well as invitations to sit back and receive nurturance and inspiration.
As a member, you’ll receive:
We host regular learning sessions with some special guests. When you join the Hive, you'll receive all of the recordings to previous learning sessions, (including Lucy AitkenRead, Carly Mountain, Jane Hardwicke Collins, Asha Frost, Lara Briden and Bethany Webster) and we are really excited to have Dr Lara Owen, Chameli Gad and Clare Dubois lined up for this coming season.
These are opportunities to grow together as a community, as we share our current learning edge around menstruality and receive reflections from experienced mentors. Our next two mentoring sessions will be with Jady Mountjoy and Jane Watson.
These offer the possibility to experience the magic of travelling together over time in a small group. They can be centred around our cycle experience or can also be themed for example around motherhood, menopause or professions such as facilitation or cycle coaching.
If you decide to lead a pod, you'll have the opportunity to receive guidance and mentoring around stepping into your leadership and facilitation skills.
A chance to come together as a larger group (this is also open to those with a 'friends' membership), and connect with Alexandra and Sjanie live. These events vary between power card readings and MMCs, and are powerful opportunities to come together as a larger group to set intentions and explore what collective wisdom we bring.
Come and meet others in your region (these meetings happen in three different time zones) and enjoy nourishing connections and potential networking possibilities with other members. Each Hive Social includes a menstruality-infused practice, led by one of our community members (could it be you?).
These can be used for either working on something or tending to your self-care. Weekly opportunities to receive the support of others while deepening your practice of living cyclically
The Honey is our exciting new monthly new moon email with the latest news from our community, and the world of menstruality.
All the graduates—members and non members of The Hive—will receive The Honey.
(You can of course unsubscribe at any time)
£22 / £33 / £44 p/month
We’re offering a sliding scale depending on your income / your currency / financial stability.
Here are some guidelines to help you:
£22 p/m: if your income is £25,000 or less
£33 p/m: if your income is £25-35,000
£44 p/m: if your income is £35,000+
You can also pay annually and save money:
Lower income: £195 (save £69)
Medium income: £295 (save £101)
Higher income: £395 (save £133)
This is a not-for-profit project and 100% of your membership fee will go directly into the running of the community.