Do the work - Red Power Card Reading


‘Do the work’ is a key power of the ovulatory or summer phase of your cycle and needs little explanation! It’s crunch time, ideas are great but now you have to get down to the business of manifesting them. You’ve got to do stuff!

And, if you’re aligned with what it is you want to do, it’s a generous energy. There’s an effortlessness. Things flow. It might also mean doing your inner work, or equally doing what you cycle is asking of you. For example, if you’ve chosen this card and are about to descend into menstruation, perhaps it means really taking a action to secure some downtime for yourself. So time to get into action, even if that ‘action’ is doing remarkable little at all as you bleed!

If you want to purchase your very own pack of Red Power Cards, then head on over here.


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